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Friday, July 23, 2010

Attractive Tourist Places In Sweden

Tourist attractions in Sweden are numerous but, just like the Swedish people, never obtrusive. The country’s main attraction is its landscape. And beautiful sceneries are usually not compatible with busy souvenir shops and restaurants. 

So you won’t find many amusement parks or palaces on my list. But I guarantee you’ll have an unforgettable vacation if you visit some (or all) of these spots. 

I made a top-10 of tourist attractions in Sweden. Here are the first five – in alphabetical order:

Stockholm has it all: 
unique location, great architecture, historical sights, museums, parks, nightlife, shops – and an archipelago of 24,000 islands just around the corner. If you haven’t seen Stockholm, you haven’t seen Sweden. Göteborg, Malmö and Uppsala are other attractive cities. Also interesting are Karlskrona (town center is a world heritage site), Kristianstad (historical town, boulevards in Parisian style), Lund (university town with famous cathedral) and Kalmar (beautiful location, old town and well-preserved Renaissance palace).

Speaking of tourist attractions in Sweden, one wouldn’t expect to think of beaches. But there are beaches in Sweden. Some of the best are found on the Baltic island of Gotland, which is popular among Swedes and attracts thousands of visitors every summer. The pleasant and surprisingly flat landscape is excellent for cycling. The walled medieval Hanseatic town Visby is on the World Heritage List of the Unesco and an attraction on its own.

Lake Siljan
Found in the heart of Dalarna, central Sweden, this lake is the center of folklore and tradition. Dalarna is a popular holiday destination in summer. Thousands of Swedes visit Leksand every year to see the midsummer pole set up. The nearby town of Rättvik is famous for its folk dancing. Also worth a visit is the bear park in Orsa. Or you can just enjoy the beautiful lake Siljan and the hilly fertile land surrounding it.

Mining has always had a special attraction. Mines make some of the most exciting tourist attractions in Sweden. Three are worth a visit. The copper mine of Falun, Dalarna (now on the World Heritage List), and the iron-ore mines of Kiruna and Gällivare in Lapland. You can book a guided tour and go down yourself. 

National Parks
Sweden has dozens of national parks and nature reserves, ideal for long hiking tours. The most impressive scenery is found in Lapland in the North. Most popular is Abisko, a great spot with the famous Lapporten landmark.
Just a little to the south is the spectacular Sarek national park, Europe’s wildest place with dangerous rivers, deep valleys, high mountains and no facilities for tourists. For experienced hikers only! Friendlier but with some incredible scenery too are Padjelanta (home of the reindeer) and Muddus. 

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