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Sunday, July 18, 2010

Attractive Tourist Spots In Germany

If you're looking for a place that's rich with remnants of the recent past, then Germany's the place for you. As you may well know, Germany was a key player in the previous world wars. Thus, it filled Germany with monuments to the stories of our grandfathers about times long past but never forgotten.   

Berlin Wall

There's no other place in Germany that's more suffused with charged up emotions than the Berlin Wall. You can just imagine the tears and the blood shed over this very wall. This remnant of the wars stands as one of the greatest monuments to democracy known to man - a sign that freedom will always come out victorious.
 The Romantic Road

Driving through the Romantic road would be one of the most pleasant drives you'll experience in your whole life. This road is flanked by scenic landscapes on both sides. Occasionally, you'll pass through a picturesque town, a beautiful gothic church, and sometimes, a quaint countryside inn.


Passing through the Romantic Road will lead you to Augsburg, a town founded by the Roman Legions and named after the esteemed Roman emperor, Augustus. This picturesque town contains such historical places as St. Anne's Church, the place where Martin Luther took refuge, and Dom, a very unusual Cathedral. You can also find here the Renaissance Golden Room, a sight that will make you squint with its shine.
 Neuschwanstein Castle

Did you know that Walt Disney used a castle found in Germany as his inspiration for the castle of Sleeping Beauty? It's true, those alabaster walls and those high towers and wide parapets were all based on the Neuschwanstein Castle. It is now hailed as one of the most popular tourist spots in Germany.

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